In the worldwide poker machine market, it seems that the primary function of most games is to entertain rather than pay out cash prizes. Over the course of the past decades, there has been a shift in focus from gambling to gaming, and many electronic gambling developers have adjusted their goals accordingly.
However, it seems that Aristocrat Gaming has fallen behind the pack. Aristocrat has been developing pokies that are focused on gambling features, such as free spins and bonus games – but there is more to it than that nowadays. Today, slot machine and pokie developers are interested in engaging the player in different ways. Players want more than cash prizes and bonuses; they want to be entertained.
So, you’ll find games with higher quality music, cinematic cut scenes, unlockable features and arcade-like gameplay. Aristocrat has yet to employ these tactics – but the company is finally catching on to the trend. "We currently don't ship a single product into this space,” says Rich Schneider, chief product officer for Aristocrat. "The video space is the single greatest opportunity for share-taking that exists."
Originally, Aristocrat did not want to get involved in the entertainment gambling market because its team of developers felt that these games were boring. The initially thought that pokie players were simply interested in winning cash and wagering on the game – but their preferences have changed. Now, players want to be engaged on a number of levels, and Aristocrat is appealing to their tastes.
Schneider has stated that the company is in the process of hiring developers that are experienced in creating entertainment games. Additionally, Aristocrat’s recent acquisition of former IGT developer Joe Kaminkow will certainly help the company shift its focus. Known for creating some of IGT’s most successful and engaging pokies, Kaminkow will help Aristocrat make its latest game more entertainment-centric.