Andrew Wilkie has been fighting long and hard for the implementation of pokie reform, but it seems that his hard work will not pay off. It has recently been revealed that Prime Minister Julia Gillard has backed away from the plan and has told Wilkie that she will not implement the reform. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Gillard revealed that she would no longer support the plan during a private meeting with Wilkie.
This has come as a huge blow to the politician, who has spent the last year of his political career fighting to have the reform implemented. Despite this news, Wilkie maintains that his plan for pokie reform has not been interrupted. He claiims that pokie reform is not dead, but that he is willing to make some concessions in order to make it acceptable by the Gillard government.
Unfortunately, it does not seem like Gillard is going to budge. She had only previously kept her word to Wilkie in return for his political support. Now that MP Peter Slipper has agreed to be the Lower House Speaker, the government no longer needs Wilkie and has thus withdrawn their support for his cause.