The debate over poker machine reforms seems to have fallen by the wayside, but we anticipate that it will be reignited soon. With reports that Tasmanians have spent over $200 million on the games in just a year, The Greens have yet again become adamant about imposing $1 betting limits on pokies. A entry on The Greens’ website by MP Kim Booth highlights that problem gambling continues to be a problem in Australia.
He believes that these statistics are proof of the fact that not enough is being done to curb problem gambling rates, and wants to see more help made available those who are suffering as a result. “This is money that will never be available for families struggling to make ends meet”, he says. “Or, for businesses to stimulate the economy at a time when we need it most”.
While poker machine revenue can provide a boost to the economy, The Greens believe that the vast amounts of money being spent on the games are harmful. Booth supports a $1 betting limit, allowing players to enjoy pokies responsibly without spending beyond their means.