In Barangaroo, city planners are currently in the process of aiming the city’s transportation targets towards having upwards of 96% of people in the city commuting by public transit. The plan has been in motion for quite some time, but James Packer’s new high roller casino could cause a conflict.
When the casino resort was initially proposed, it would have contained 150 new parking spaces to accommodate visitors at a small boutique hotel on the waterfront. Now, the casino operator aims to have 150 luxury apartments on the property, and is seeking permission to add 500 more spaces. While the plan aims to add convenience for patrons of the casino, it may throw a wrench in city-wide transport initiatives.
The current transportation strategy, which was launched in August 2011, is based on the majority of people arriving into the city via public transport. The plan relied on visitors leaving their cars at home and opting instead to walk, cycle or take the bus.
“It is not apparent that any additional measures are being implemented at Barangaroo to offset the significant impact that a 70 per cent increase in [gross floor area] in this location will have on transport infrastructure and services,” reads a paper from the council. However, Crown Casino denies that the new parking spaces will increase traffic in the city.
Representatives from the company state that there is not necessarily a correlation between the number of parking spaces for the casino and the number of people who will be driving into the city. Still, the Barangaroo Delivery Authority will submit a modified version of the Barangaroo Concept Plan to the Department of Planning. This will contain an alternate strategy, and it will be available for viewing and comment by the public.