One of the major benefits of poker machines is that their profits are used to fund a wide range of community programs. Unfortunately, there have been many recent cases of money not going where it is supposed to – so, the Department of Internal Affairs has launched an investigation into the use of pokie funds.
The South Trust is the group that is under investigation as Internal Affairs is suspicious as to how the Trust is using the pokie grants. The group receives hundreds of thousands of dollars in poker machine funding every year, and doubts have been raised about whether or not the money is being spent properly.
While the Department of Internal Affairs conducts its investigations, it has warned pokie operators against providing funding to the South Trust. While a final conclusion has yet to be made about the potential misuse of funds, the DIA wants to minimise the risk of any more money being spent inappropriately.
"The department strongly recommends that you discontinue approving grants to this entity until the investigation is complete,” reads a statement from the Department of Internal Affairs. Kal Kular, Chairwoman of the Trust, has spoken out against the warning issued by the Department of Internal Affairs.
She has stated that the reputation of her trust has been destroyed, as the DIA publicized information about the investigation before South Trust had a chance to defend itself. “What is of great concern is that the department has taken this step without discussing the matter with the trust and without giving the trust the opportunity to put its case forward,” reads a letter from Ms Kular.