Poker machines are well-known for their generous contributions to local organizations, donating millions of dollars to health, art and education programs every year. However, there is no group that receives more money that sports organizations, who have earned more than $1 billion from pokies grants over the course of the past seven years.
A new report by the New Zealand Herald has found that sports clubs have earned millions more in funding than other types of community organizations. Over the years, these contributions have totalled more than $1 billion, with 2011 alone bringing in $27 million for rugby. “These clubs are extremely dependent on this money," says Graham Aitken of New Zealand’s Problem Gambling Foundation.
So, they have fought hard against the new Harm Reduction Bill’s provision that city councils will decide who receives funding from the profits of poker machines. Sports clubs are worried that they will lost out on valuable funding, and that some will even be forced to close; however, local MPs assure them that sports organizations will continue to operate as efficiently as always.