Club owners in the Tweed area are pushing their local MP Justine Elliot to fight Gillard on her proposition for pokie reform. Clubs across the are employ more than 1200 individuals, and the reform would do great damage to Tweed’s employment rates. This is just another initiative fighting Gillard’s proposal to implement pokie reform across the country.
Many organizations and clubs believe that the reform will cause irreparable damage to the gambling market in Australia. With a gaming industry this large, there will be inevitable job cuts, which will harm the local economy. Tweed club owners feel the same way about their own local job market, wondering where laid off employees will find gainful employment in the future.
Debates over pokie reform will resume again in the new year, and Justine Elliot is being urged to fight for the rights of Club owners. It will be interesting to see how she defends her stance, in light of Wilkie’s adamant proposal for precommitment technology.